The Pepsi-Cola Collectors Club is made up of many individuals who enjoy the taste of Pepsi products and enjoy collecting anything to do with Pepsi. While many of the members of the PCCC make the trek to Pepsi Fest in Indianapolis every March, or to Pepsi Celebration in Las Vegas each November, or Ozark Mountain Gathering in Branson in August, or visit an east coast city with the East Coast Pepsi Connection each July, there are a large number that cannot make the trip to any of these events. Still others attend one or more of those events and still want more opportunities to meet with their fellow Pepsi-collecting friends. The primary solution for each of these groups is to attend local chapter meetings. There are a number of chapters spread out across the U. S. and the opportunities to start new local chapters are endless.

Belonging to a local chapter helps to satisfy the need to "talk Pepsi' with other collectors like yourself. It eases the frustration of waiting an entire year between Pepsi Fest, Pepsi Celebration, Ozark Mountain or ECPC. It provides a connection to more Pepsi collectibles through the other collectors by selling, trading, or by having swap meets. It can also help you to learn or to teach other collectors about what new  collectibles are out there or what new reproduction items to watch out for. It's a way for all of us  collectors to help each other in the world of Pepsi
collecting at the local level.

Once you join the PCCC, you are encouraged to join one of the local chapters nearest to you. If there isn't a chapter near enough for you to join, you can very easily start a chapter in your area.   The only real restriction to starting a local chapter in your area is the number of members interested in forming one. But location and boundaries of "relatively close" are what you make them.  An example of “relatively close” would be the Pepsi Club of Iowa Chapter in which most of the members live within the state even though it can take five hours to drive from one side to the other. If you have another member of the PCCC living near you, you can team up to start a chapter. If you don't, now would be the time to tell everyone you know about the club and to get them to join the PCCC so they can help you start a chapter. Once you get it started and have a meeting or two, you will be impressed with how easy it was to get the Pepsi ball rolling.  Some of the chapters collect dues and use it for group functions, other chapters just meet for  fellowship and sharing Pepsi fun, without any financial commitment.  And all members of the PCCC are always welcome to visit and attend any local chapter meeting  - so when on vacation or traveling through the area, if one is having a meeting, just give them a heads up and join them.

If you aren't really sure how to get that first meeting started, have a cookout/meeting and invite everyone you know that collects anything. Leave a flyer at the local Pepsi distributor explaining that you collect Pepsi and want to start a local chapter of the PCCC. Leave flyers at the local flea markets. Pin the flyers to your shirt so others can read them as you walk around that flea market or antique shop. Advertise your Pepsi desire at a garage sale. You might be amazed at the results. If you attend Pepsi Fest there is an opportunity during the Chapters Meeting to share info or desire to start a local chapter and set up a display providing information  - that’s how a number of chapters also began, when those attending Pepsi Fest realized they didn’t live that far from other collectors.  

Keep in mind that the PCCC started with three people getting together to "talk Pepsi" and that the local chapters basically started the same way. If you want to know the locations of chapters or want more  information about starting a chapter, check out the following pages about the local chapters, they are listed by time zone areas, or contact the Director of Chapter Information & Alliance.